Sunday 24 March 2024

Static Variables Part 2: the Advantage of Static Variables

In part one of this tutorial - Using Static Variables - we examined the difference in behaviour between an ordinary local variable and a static variable.  We learnt that whilst both types can only be referenced within the same sub procedure or function in which they were declared, the value of a static variable is retained after code in the sub procedure or function has completed execution.  The terms we used to understand this behaviour were scope and lifetime respectively.

In part two, this current post, we are going to consider how we can use the unique scope and lifetime of a static variable to our advantage.  In order to illustrate this we shall examine the workings of an order counter custom control comprised of a textbox and two control buttons.

An Order Counter Control

This sort of control may be familiar to you if you order your groceries online. It usually appears under an image of a product and allows the customer to set the order amount by clicking the plus and minus buttons without having to type in the actual number in the textbox.  It is of interest to us because it lends itself to the use of a static variable to keep track of the order amount.

The advantage of Static Variables

So what is it about static variables that make them advantageous to use in contexts such as that of our order counter control?  To understand this lets take look at how the VBA code used to power this it is organised.

VBA Code Powering the Order Counter
VBA Code Powering the Order Counter

As we can see, the coding for the form containing the order counter is comprised of five sub-procedures and a general declarations section where three constants, INITIALIZE, INCREMENT, and DECREMENT are declared.  Three of these sub-procedures, Form_Load(), cmdMinus_Click(), and cmdPlus_Click(),  contain event handling code which execute when the form opens, or the minus and plus buttons are clicked, respectively.  Each consist of one statement calling changeOrderAmount(...), the sub-procedure used to calculate the order amount displayed in the txtOrderValue textbox.  This is the location where our static variable, intOrderAmount, is declared.

It is in the changeOrderAmount(...) sub-procedure where the value of intOrderAmount is initialized, incremented or decremented within a SELECT...CASE statement, which is, in turn, based on the value of the intApplyChange argument it received when called. For example, if the  INCREMENT constant was received, the value of intOrderAmount is incremented by 1.  Likewise, DECREMENT decreases the value by 1, and INITIALIZE sets the value to 0. Note the fact that the actual order amount is not set directly when incremented or decremented, but is calculated from its previous value.  For this reason intOrderAmount has to persist across multiple calls to the sub procedure, and is why it is declared as Static.

In order to achieve the above without using a static variable, we could instead declare intOrderAmount in the general declarations section of the form's code module using a Dim  statement or the Private keyword. This gives the variable a module level scope and lifetime: it can now be referenced from any sub-procedure or function within the same module, and any value it contains will be retained while the form connected to the module remains open.  As such, the module level version of intOrderAmount has the same lifetime as our original static version declared within the changeOrderAmount(...) sub-procedure. However, since the variable only needs to be referenced from within the sub-procedure, to give it module level scope in the above mentioned way will leave it unnecessarily exposed to accidental editing as well as making our code less easy to read.

These issues arising from module level scope become more pronounced as more code is added to the module.  Other functions and sub procedures are likely to use their own variables, some of which may also have module level scope. These are generally less easy to keep track of because they can be modified from any location in the module, often under a variety of different conditions. In this sort of context it becomes increasingly difficult to read and understand our code, and  there is a greater chance of accidentally referencing a different variable to the one intended, especially if it has a similar name or performs a similar role. As such, using a static variable with a scope local to the sub-procedure or function in which it is declared, whilst also retaining it value over multiple calls, is the much better option.


The advantage of using static variables lies in the fact that they are, on the one hand,  declared within a sub-procedure or function, and thereby have a local scope; and on the other hand, retain their value once code in the parent sub-procedure or function has completed execution.  As a result, the variable is protected against accidental editing from code elsewhere in the project, whilst retaining its value in order to keep a running total over multiple calls to its parent sub procedure or function.  Furthermore, since static variables are declared within sub-procedures or functions, as opposed to an external location in the project, our code is more manageable, and hence easier to read and understand.  Generally speaking, our code is more streamlined and robust.

Saturday 9 March 2024

Using VBA Static Variables

In this post we are going to look at what static variables are, how they work, and how they are different from ordinary local variables.  In a future post we will build upon this and consider the advantage of  using static variables over locals, and look at an example of how they may be used in practice.

The Difference between Local and Static Variables

So what are static variables exactly? To understand this, let's begin by examining how ordinary local variables work. All variable types have there own particular scope and lifetime.  The first of these determines the locations within the program from which the variable can be accessed, and the latter determines how long the variable is active.  

Local Variables

Local variables have a scope which is limited to the sub procedure or function from which it is declared. For example:

Private Sub testThis()
    Dim intExample As Integer
    intExample = 10
    MsgBox ("The value of our test variable is " & intExample)
End Sub

Here we have declared an integer variable called intExample within a sub procedure called testThis().  Since the variable was declared within the sub procedure, it is local in scope - the value of 10 it  subsequently contains can only be accessed within the testThis() sub after the declaration statement. So if the MsgBox Statement  referencing the intExample variable is used outside the sub, the variable is not recognised. 

Furthermore, once code in the sub procedure completes execution, the intExample variable ceases to exist, and it's value of 10 is lost. The next time the testThis() sub executes, intExample's value will need to be set anew. As such ordinary local variables are limited to the length of time the sub procedure or function is executing. This is an example what is meant by a variables lifetime.

Static Variables

Now let's take a look at how the scope and lifetime of a static variable works in contrast to an ordinary local variable.  Consider the following code snippet:

Private Sub testThis()
    Static intExampleStatic As Integer
    Dim intExampleLocal As Integer
    intExampleStatic = intExampleStatic + 1
    intExampleLocal = intExampleLocal + 1
    response = MsgBox("The value of intExampleStatic is " & intExampleStatic & _
        ", whereas the value of intExampleLocal is " & intExampleLocal & ".",                     vbInformation, "Static & Local Variable Output")
End Sub

Here we have created another sub procedure called testThis(), and declared a static variable and an ordinary local variable, intExampleStatic and intExampleLocal respectively.  Notice how the declaration statement for the static variable uses the Static keyword rather than Dim ie: 

Static intExampleStatic As Integer

in contrast to ... 

Dim intExampleLocal As Integer   

Since both variables are declared as Integer, they are automatically initialized with a value of 0.  Then in the following lines of code we increment the value of  each of the variables by 1:

intExampleStatic = intExampleStatic + 1
intExampleLocal = intExampleLocal + 1

... and display both values using a message box statement: 

response = MsgBox("The value of intExampleStatic is " & intExampleStatic & _
        ", whereas the value of intExampleLocal is " & intExampleLocal & ".", vbInformation, "Static & Local Variable Output")

Now the scope of both kinds of variable, local and static, work in exactly the same way.  That is to say, static variables, along with ordinary local variables, can only be accessed from within the same sub procedure or function from which they were declared.  Where they differ is in their respective lifetimes.  Whereas a local variable ceases to exist after the code within the same sub or function completes execution, the value contained in a static variable will be retained - at least until the codes'  underlying form or report is closed, or in the case of a global module, until the database itself is closed. To demonstrate this in action, lets see what happens when the testThis() sub procedure starts being called.

The first time testThis() is called the message box output shows that the intExampleStatic and intExampleLocal variables have the same value ie 1:

Message Box Output

It is not until the second and subsequent calls that we see the difference in lifetime between static and local variables taking effect.  This is because the value stored in the local variable is lost each time the sub procedure completes, and then re-initialized the next time it is called.  The static variable, on the other hand, retains its value from the previous call.  Hence, the output after the second call shows the static variable to have a value of 2, but the local variable again has a value of 1:

This pattern continues each time the sub procedure is called: the value of the static variable is retained and any increments are added to this retained value, whereas the local variable is created anew and any increments are applied to its initialization value of 0.  Hence the third time testThis() is called, the value of the static variable is increased to 3, and the value of the local variable remains at 1:

... and so on until the sub procedures's underlying form or report is closed.  It is not until the next time the form or report is reopened that the static variable's value is re-initialized to 0.

So this has shown us how static variables work and how they differ from ordinary local variables.  In the next blog post we are going to consider the advantages of using static variables over local variables, and will demonstrate this by creating a a simple order counter control where a user clicks two buttons to increment or decrement the quantity of an item to be ordered without having to type the actual number.